
Healthcare Automation

Revolutionize patient care with HL7 ADT FHIR integration, driving digital transformation in healthcare

Healthcare Automation

Transforming healthcare, seamless integration, enhanced patient care

Seamless data exchange

Seamless data exchange

Seamless interoperability and electronic health information exchange with standardized APIs like HL7's Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®), enabling efficient communication across healthcare systems and stakeholders.

Automated data processing

Automated data processing

Eliminate manual processes and reduce errors by automating the processing of HL7 data, ensuring accurate and timely transmission of critical patient information.

Enhanced patient care

Enhanced patient care

Leverage HL7 standards and FHIR® to optimize patient care by automating workflows, enabling real-time data sharing, and facilitating comprehensive health records for better clinical decision-making.

Transformed healthcare delivery

Transformed healthcare delivery

Unlock the power of patient data integration to improve operational efficiency in healthcare, from admissions and scheduling to laboratory results and billing processes.

referral leakage in the health

55-65% of revenue is lost due to referral leakage in the health system

Build comprehensive 360-degree patient profiles in Salesforce Health Cloud with pre-built connectors, APIs, templates, and recommended end-to-end frameworks. It integrates electronic health records (EHRs), incorporating patient demographics and COVID-19 test results using HL7 V2 ADT (Admit-Discharge-Transfer) or FHIR standards. USCDI and FHIR R4 resources ensure interoperability, expediting healthcare digital transformation.

Why Aonflow for Healthcare Automation?

Benefits of Aonflow Healthcare Automation

Streamlined HL7 and FHIR integration

Streamlined HL7 and FHIR integration

Streamline HL7 and FHIR integration for seamless healthcare data exchange.

Aonflow simplifies and accelerates HL7 and FHIR integration, enabling seamless exchange of critical patient data.
With Aonflow, simplify the integration of patient data by automating processes using ready-made APIs, connectors, and templates.
Enhanced interoperability and collaboration

Enhanced interoperability and collaboration

Enhance interoperability and collaboration across healthcare systems and devices.

Aonflow facilitates seamless connectivity, enabling efficient data exchange and collaboration among healthcare stakeholders.
Healthcare professionals can access comprehensive patient information in one single place, improving care coordination and decision-making.
Accelerated digital transformation in

Accelerated digital transformation in healthcare

Accelerate digital transformation in healthcare with Aonflow's automation.

Aonflow empowers healthcare organizations to automate processes, driving digital transformation initiatives efficiently.
With Aonflow, healthcare providers can optimize operations, enhance efficiency, and unlock innovation in patient care delivery.
Ensure data accuracy and security

Ensure data accuracy and security

Ensure accurate and secure healthcare data exchange with Aonflow.

Aonflow prioritizes data accuracy and security, ensuring secure and compliant healthcare data exchange.
With Aonflow, healthcare organizations safeguard patient data, maintain privacy, and meet regulatory requirements.
Scale and future-proof operations

Scale and future-proof operations

Scale and future-proof healthcare operations with Aonflow's adaptable solutions.

Aonflow offers scalable solutions to support evolving needs, enabling seamless integration of new technologies.
With Aonflow, healthcare providers stay ahead, adapt to industry changes, and drive continuous innovation in patient care management.